This book emphasizes family-centered, social network, and school-based interventions in the preparation of social workers for direct and indirect practice with clients from vulnerable populations, especially the poor, people of color, and recent immigrant groups. With an eye to recent changes in social work practice and service delivery, including the impact of welfare reform and managed care on vulnerable families and children, Social Work Practice with Families and Children helps social work students and practitioners understand the increasingly complex needs of their clients. Three valuable appendixes include information about tools and instruments to support practice, child welfare resource centers, and electronic resources pertaining to the field.
Francis K. O. Yuen Family health social work practice emphasizes the attainment of the holistic wellbeing of a family system and its members. Family health is “manifested by the development of, and continuous interaction among, ...
This essential textbook is especially designed for practitioners studying at this level. Accessible and thorough, the text focuses on a mixture of conceptual and organisational topics, skills, law, policy and key practice issues.
Such skills include communication, preparation and planning, intervention, recognition, identification and assessment of significant harm, recording and report writing, managing oneself and the work, problem solving, research and analysis ...
Written in a lively and engaging style, students and newly qualified social workers will find this book provides a helpful introduction to children and families local authority social work as it exists today.
Another chance: Hope and health for the alcoholic family. Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior Books. Weick, A., & Pope, L. (1988). ... Wilson, D. B., & Lipsey, M. W. (2001). The role of method in treatment effectiveness research: Evidence ...
Haines, K. (2009) 'Youth Justice and Young Offenders' in Adams, R., Dominelli, L. and Payne, M. Eds. Critical Practice in Social Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 293–302. Haines, K. and Case, S. (2015) Positive Youth Justice: ...
Reading this book will not only give readers the tools to work effectively with individuals and families, but also develop their skills in evidence informed practice.
... S., Jones, A. and Ward, S. (2009) An Analysis of the Key Issues that Impact on Practice Pre- and Post Implementation of the Integrated Children's System. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families. Hollis, F. (1964) ...
These themes were similar to those identified by Woodcock (2003). She suggests that the social workers in her study had four key expectations of parenting.As in the Coastal Cities study, these were the need to put the child's needs ...
This book explains the effects of war and armed conflict on individual children and their family system, and how culturally responsive social work practice should take into account the diversity and heterogeneity of their needs and lived ...