Chief Minister Digvijay Singh of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, and former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil skillfully leveraged their power to achieve major breakthroughs. Though these men barely knew or communicated with one another, each deployed a similar repertoire of political devices -- persuasion, distraction, bargaining, stealth, and political and social pressure -- to pursue shared goals. Singh, Museveni, and Cardoso proved two crucial things about developing economies: the reduction of poverty is politically feasible even under severe economic and political constraints, and political benefits come to those who achieve it, enhancing popularity, legitimacy, and influence. If leaders of other developing countries could recognize these truths, serious efforts to reduce poverty could be implemented and flourish in the most unlikely of places. The result of a collaboration between three renowned political scientists, each specializing in one of the book's three countries, Against the Odds features extensive fieldwork and detailed, comparative analyses, resulting in a comprehensive and cohesive study.
... industrialisation without side-effects', but it did not say how this desirable trajectory of change was to be achieved (Clarke and Timberlake 1982, p.
Vaccination programs had been introduced and were proving so successful that we needed to ensure the program was taken up by the general population.The book records the results of infectious diseases as seen through the eyes of a nursing ...
This text explains the unprecedented progress that has been made in many parts of the developing world but fully confronts the enormous problems and challenges that remain to be addressed in th
Environment and Sustainability in the Third World William M. Adams, William Mark Adams. and environmental degradation have been challenged by studies ( e.g. in Machakos , Kenya ) of agricultural intensification and sustainability .
Leading Social Entrepreneurs
Partners in Development: Report of the Commission on International Development
Allgood, S., and Snow, A. 1998. The marginal cost of raising tax revenue ... Commodity taxation and social welfare: The generalized Ramsey rule. ... Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press. de Melo, Jaime, and S. Robinson. 1989.
Macroeconomic Policies and Long-term Growth: A Conceptual and Empirical Review
To name only a few in addition to those in notes 5 and 9 : Margaret Mead , Ruth Benedict , Ruth Bunzel , H. Powdermaker , J. La Fontaine , Laura Bohannan , L. Spindler , Elinor Leacock , Monica Wilson , Lucy Mair , Dora Earthy ...
An important link has been found between parental education , particularly the level of a mother's education , and a child's health . Among the numerous studies of the impact of parental education on child mortality and on child ...