In The Art of Gift Giving you will learn simple skills and discover useful resources that make birthdays and holidays something to look forward to -- as fun opportunities to show the people you care about how well you know and appreciate ...
What would life be like if no one acknowledged your existence?
My life is over. Why did this have to happen to me? Then, as a remedy for her condition, Cami received an uncommon prescription from a friend, an African medicine woman named Mbali Creazzo: Give away 29 gifts in 29 days.
Inspirational, meaningful, and imaginative gift ideas are accompanied by helpful guidelines on selecting an exceptional gift for anyone or for any occasion, along with insights into wrapping techniques, labeling, presentation, and more. 15 ...
In these essays, gift giving occasions are probed for the meanings that can be illuminated with respect to this pervasive, yet not always positive, phenomenon.
Knowing she didn’t want her experience to retire with her, Wickstrom wrote this book. The most important lesson she shares is: Everyone has a gift, and a gift is for giving.
An activity book, a journal, and a keepsake that inspires and records a childs journey into a lifelong tradition of giving and charity.
My intention for this work is to shed light on issues that many females face and provide comfort in knowing that we are not alone on this journey I call Life.
Among these are an interpretation of forgiveness as negative giving, a discussion on the relationship between sacrifice and divine non-violence, and a new proposal to conceptualize various types of Christian imitation.
Life's Last Gift is an emotional lifeline for anyone who feels lost and filled with grief during this final stage of life.