Jerusalem's rich history stretches back more than two millennia, and three great religions claim the city as holy ground. This lavishly illustrated book celebrates Jerusalem, from its ancient origins to the present day, focusing on such key sites as the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and pivotal moments like the Six Day War. Fifteen removable facsimile documents, including a sixteenth-century letter written by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and a copy of the 1917 Balfour Declaration, bring the city vividly to life.
'A History of Jerusalem' is useful for not only by visitors and potential travellers in Jerusalem, but for the general reader as well.|PB
Karen Armstrong var katolsk nonne fra 1962 til 1969.
Describes the history, features and places of interest of Jerusalem, including travel tips and maps.
Bedouin. Wasteland. ~. The stark desert rolls past and I watch it through the bus window. ... interesting lesson made more exciting when some of the women clothe one of the female students as a Bedouin bride in a veil and gauzy dress.
Paints a panorama of Jerusalem in all her glory, from medieval times and the era of the Crusaders, through the poverty-stricken Jewish communities of the last centuries and their strength and heroism, ending with a look at Jerusalem today.
Secrets of Golgotha: The Forgotten History of Christ's Crucifixion
Published on the occasion of the exhibition Sharing Sacred Sites, The New York Public Library, The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, The James Gallery at The Graduate Center of The City University of New York, March 27-June 30, 2018.
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Carta's Illustrated History of Jerusalem
Stock #128X Jerusalem Time Line pamphlet blishes g to oss” and asilica n. 444 ad 800 Earthquake damages Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the. 413X Christian History Time Line pamphlet 480X Genesis Time Line pamphlet 353X Reformation Time Line ...