Reviews of the 1st edition include:- 'Once in a while, someone writes a technical book which becomes the definitive work or industry bible. John Watkinson has done just that with The Art of Digital Audio' - New Scientist 'Mr Watkinson's work commands
pride of place amongst the publications on digital audio techniques.' - EBU Review '... a must for all radio engineers interested in complete digital fluency.' - Radio World 'It must be difficult writing a sequel to the Bible. Let's face it, God
hasn't got round to it yet, although John Watkinson has, and it only took him five years. In his preface to the new edition, Watkinson suggests, somewhat tongue in cheek, that if the First was the Bible, maybe we should refer to the Second Edition as the
New Testament. It's not a bad idea, and one with which I have no arguments..' Studio Sound, March 1995 - Studio Sound, March 1995 'This is an introductory book, a theory book and a reference book all in one.' - Public Address/PLASA News, May 1995 'The
first edition of this book is now regarded as a classic in its field.' - Lighting and Sound International, January 1996
Digital audio equipment is more widespread than it was five yars ago, and potential readers now have a greater range of backgrounds. This new edition begins with a chapter which is almost an introductory book in its own right and makes the remainder of the work accessible to all. At the other end of the spectrum more refernces than ever are included to permit serious study. What has not changed is the approach. Every subject is explained from first principles, because if the mechanism is undertsood it can be applied to many probolems. This is an introductory book, a theory book, an applications book and a reference book all rolled into one.