Whether you're just learning how to frame a shot or simply looking for a refresher, the third edition of Grammar of the Shot gives you the tools you need to build a successful visual story that flows smoothly and makes sense to your audience. Understand the basic building blocks essential for successful shot composition, screen direction, depth cues, lighting, screen direction, camera movement, and many general practices that make for richer, multi-layered visuals. Expand your visual vocabulary, help jumpstart your career in filmmaking, and watch visual examples and further instruction on the companion website, www.focalpress.com/cw/bowen. Designed as an easy-to-use reference, Grammar of the Shot presents each topic succinctly with clear photographs and diagrams illustrating the key concepts, and is a staple of any filmmaker's library. * A simple and clear overview of the principles of shooting motion pictures--timeless information that will improve your work * The companion website offers video instruction and examples to bring the book's lessons to life * Together with its companion volume Grammar of the Edit, Third Edition these books are exactly what the beginning filmmaker needs New to this edition: * A full chapter devoted to lighting * More script coverage, complete with a sample script * Suggested exercises and projects for you to practice your skills * End-of-chapter quizzes to test your grasp of key concepts * New visual examples
CAMERA—Does the entire camera body move during the shot? Essentially, is there a panning action or a tilting action executed while the camera is recording the shot? The camera mount (tripod head) would have to allow for these horizontal ...
Learn the basic "grammar" of editing films and videos in Grammar of the Edit! This book shows you in no uncertain terms (independently of software) what you absolutely need to know to edit your video production.
Film language as a system of visual communication - The importance of parallel film editing - Defining the Basic tools - The triangle principle - Dialogue between two players -...
This is a book for people who love punctuation and get upset when it is mishandled.
For beginners
This is the only book that combines conceptual and practical instruction on creating polished and eloquent images for film and video with the technical know-how to achieve them.
A sharply observed and intimate story of grief and healing, doubt and self-acceptance set against the hyper-image-conscious industry of modeling and high fashion, Body Grammar shines with the anxieties of finding your place in the world and ...
Written by the author of the industry bible Cinematography, this book explores technical, aesthetic, and practical aspects of lighting for film and video. It will show you not only how to light, but why.
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is all it takes to master English usage! With hundreds of thousands of copies sold, this is one of the most trusted English language resources in existence.
"A Young Readers Edition of the inspiring true story of Air National Guard Major and Purple Heart recipient Mary Jennings Hegar"--]cProvided by publisher.