The founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum on how the impending technological revolution will change our lives We are on the brink of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And this one will be unlike any other in human history. Characterized by new technologies fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will impact all disciplines, economies and industries - and it will do so at an unprecedented rate. World Economic Forum data predicts that by 2025 we will see: commercial use of nanomaterials 200 times stronger than steel and a million times thinner than human hair; the first transplant of a 3D-printed liver; 10% of all cars on US roads being driverless; and much more besides. In The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Schwab outlines the key technologies driving this revolution, discusses the major impacts on governments, businesses, civil society and individuals, and offers bold ideas for what can be done to shape a better future for all.
... Regulations Corporate Espionage Goemono Govement Driven § nomation song | Coordinated on Fisk Markets # - Embedded Security § Reputation o Source: World Economic Forum When focusing on systems which relate to data, rather than.
... Susanne Grassmeier, Mehran Gul, Michael Hanley, William Hoffman, Kiriko Honda, Ravi Kaneriya, Mihoko Kashiwakura, ... Jenny Soffel, Mark Spelman, Tanah Sullivan, Christoph von Toggenburg, Terri Toyota, Peter Vanham, Jean-Luc Vez, ...
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This collection examines how higher education responds to the demands of the automation economy and the fourth industrial revolution.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Granger, Clive W. J. 1969. “Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models and Cross-Spectral Methods.” Econometrica 37(3): 424–438. Hansen, Gary D., and Edward C. Prescott. 2002.
This book helps decision makers grasp the importance, and applicability to business, of the new technologies and extended connectivity of systems that underlie what is becoming known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution: technologies and ...
(2010). Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Lessons from PISA for the United States (Rep.). Retrieved November 1, 2017, from OECD website: 16 Fullan, M. (2012, May 4).
This book presents the overall technology spectrum in artificial intelligence (AI) and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is set to revolutionize the world.
Bryman and Bell (2011: 545) maintain that documents can be analysed according to their authenticity by asking questions such as: authenticity (is the evidence genuine?); credibility (is the evidence free from error and distortion?);
This book contains advanced models, innovative practices, and state-of-the-art research findings on systems engineering.
With a focus on artificial intelligence as a core concept in understanding the 4IR, this book uses familiar concepts to explain artificial intelligence, how it works and how it can be used in banking, mining, medicine and many other fields.