J. Soc. Psychol. 131, 136 (1981). 22. Joseph Tamney et al., Personal Experience, Ideology and Support for Feminism, ... Men in the United States, 1776–1990: A Documentary History(Michael S. Kimmel & Thomas E. Mosmiller eds., 1992). 26.
Performing Gender on (the) Line [microform]: a Case Study of the Process of Community Making Among Members of a Women-only...
An important study of working-class American women during the twentieth century, this book will appeal to a wide audience, particularly students and scholars with interest in women’s history, labor history, African American history, the ...
Besides , biological sex itself is not always unambiguous : an estimated 1.7 per cent of new - born babies are intersexed ( Fausto - Sterling 2000 : 91 ) . It has also made us reluctant to diverge from the dichotomous schema to ...
Gender Intelligence features 17 illustrations. World-renowned experts on Gender Intelligence argue that it is time to move beyond politics and fairness to build an economic business case for gender diversity in the workplace.
Discover how men and women perceive the world differently and why they won't agree on the colour or shape of the sofa!
C.R.-C.L. L. REv. 330 n.29 (1983). 84. Roberts v. United States Jaycees, 468 U.S. 609 (1984). 85. Rotary Int'l v. Rotary Club of Duarte, 481 U.S. 537,549 (1987). - 86. Michael Cordts, Admit Women, Lions Clubs Locals Urged, CHI.
At the University of North Carolina Press , I found editor Sian Hunter's immediate and engaged response to my manuscript gratifying ; it has been my pleasure to work with her and members of the press staff including Grace Carino and ...
The Line Which Separates makes an important and useful comparison between American and Canadian government policies and attitudes regarding race, gender, and homesteading. ø Federal visions of the West in general and the borderlands in ...
Production Studies is the first volume to bring together a star-studded cast of interdisciplinary media scholars to examine the unique cultural practices of media production.