In 1834 the Methodists sent west two missionaries , Jason and Daniel Lee , who reached the Flathead country but did ... Two years later two other Flathead warriors , Left - Handed Peter and Ignace Chapped Lips , reached St. Louis and ...
And as Walter Johnson shows in this searing book, the city exemplifies how imperialism, racism, and capitalism have persistently entwined to corrupt the nation's past.
" Navigate this hidden heritage of downtown St. Louis with author Maureen Kavanaugh.
"Not a typical city," as one observer noted in the late 1970s, "but, like a Eugene O'Neill play, it shows a general condition in a stark and dramatic form." Mapping Decline examines the causes and consequences of St. Louis's urban crisis.
Since the founding of St. Louis, African Americans have lived in communities throughout the area.
From the oldest library book, to the oldest museum, Oldest St. Louis traces the history of the city's rich cultural life. From the oldest Italian bar to the oldest bowling alley, the book recalls St. Louis's ethnic traditions.
Tells the story of the saint's work among the poor in France and how he founded his religious order and promoted Catholic devotion to the Virgin Mary.
In The St. Louis Commune of 1877 Mark Kruger tells the riveting story of how workers assumed political control in St. Louis, Missouri.
"A kaleidoscope of bygone places, events, and items once identified with the Gateway City, Lost treasures of St. Louis captures the essence of cherished times that still resonate with St. Louisans.
St. Louis Noir includes stories by bestselling authors John Lutz and Scott Phillips, a poetic interlude featuring Poet Laureate Michael Castro, and more tales from Calvin Wilson, LaVelle Wilkins-Chinn, Paul D. Marks, Colleen J. McElroy, ...
Parisian P.I. Aimée Leduc finds herself caring for an abandoned infant while trying to track down the child’s missing mother Aimée Leduc is on a tight work deadline when an anonymous call leads her to an abandoned infant in her building ...