Originally published in 1953, Burning Valley tells the story of Benedict Bulmanis, son of a Lithuanian immigrant steelworker in western Pennsylvania. Determined to become a priest, Benedict faces great inner conflict as he witnesses the steelworkers' struggle against the destruction of their homes as well as the separation of classes that even the church cannot escape. As the story unfolds, Benedict discovers his beliefs and values changing and becomes more sympathetic with the workers and union organizers. Alan Wald's introduction focuses on the semi-autobiographical aspect of Burning Valley as well as its "multifaceted dramatization of ethnicity and race".
“ I think , ” Stuart said slowly , “ that if you were more of a team player , you never would have gotten into this situation . I tried to help you , but you didn't listen . ... She knows I hate black bacon , he thought irritably .
She slammed a winch handle into the furling winch . Haley watched as she bent over the top of it , breasts bobbing under the tee shirt , muscles rippling as she ground in the jib . Again she felt a queasy feeling and again she fought it ...
James Brown Sanderson , a / k / a Jackson Daniels , a / k / a J.D. , a / k / a “ Whiskey Jack , ” was so good at what he did , especially with explosives , and he was so quick , so quiet , and so efficient , that he became a member and ...
Albert was silent as he slowed into the exit lane to take the off ramp to Savage Road . Oldman detested being late almost as much as he detested being early . He liked to be precisely , deliberately on time wherever he went .
Only with the most discreet tips to “ chums ” at the Racquet Club and with promises of more to come did Latham , Sr. , manage to trade some points on the big board for three undistinguished years at Choate for Latham , Jr. Yet no matter ...
An introduction to Green politics. Imagine if a Green had been President on 9/11. A Green vision of how another world is possible. "A fast-paced mixture of politics, sex and...
Driven by ambition, Florentyna Rosnovski - daughter to a hotel baron and daughter-in-law to his bitterest rival - relinquishes her inheritance to marry the man she loves, builds her own business empire, and ultimately pursues the United ...
“ The darker the berry , the sweeter the juice . ” Yes , Willow was drawn to Melvin's blackness , loving the way his oak - toned skin shone in the orange glow of the bonfire . But there was — as always — more to it than that .