Elliott J. Gorn and Warren Goldstein show us where our games and pastimes came from, how they developed, and what they have meant to Americans. The great heroes of baseball and football are here, as well as the dramatic moments of boxing and basketball. Beyond this, the authors show us how sports fit into the larger contours of our past. A Brief History of American Sports reveals that from colonial times to the present, sports have been central to American culture, and a profound expression of who we are.
A Brief History of American Sports reveals that from colonial times to the present, sports have been central to American culture, and a profound expression of who we are.
Perhaps the most famous of such groups, the Boone and Crockett Club, numbered one hundred members, including Theodore Roosevelt, who engaged in big game hunting and wilderness adventures. Such excursions required adequate leisure time ...
A history of American sports told through one hundred iconic objects
Gerald R. Gems, Gertrud Pfister. UNDERSTANDING AMERICAN SPORTS G E R A L D R . G E M S ANDGERT R U D P F I S T E R First published 2009 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park,
The third edition of author Richard O. Davies highly praised narrative of American sports, Sports in American Life: A History, features extensive revisions and updates to its presentation of an interpretative history of the relationship ...
Given Harvard«s esteemed position among the nation«s colleges, within a few years the other elite northeastern schools ... A member of Yale squads from 1875 to 1882, Camp participated in baseball, crew, track, lawn tennis, and football.
His inherent aptitude for mathematics—he could perform complicated equations in his head— served him well, but he found the ups and downs of a gambler's life unsettling and gravitated toward steadier employment. Dave Johnson, one ...
American Sports History
Since 1935, roller derby has thrilled fans and skaters with its constant action, hard hits, and edgy attitude. However, though its participants’ athleticism is undeniable, roller derby has never been accepted as a “real” sport.
Nearly half of all American high school students participate in sports teams.