Each of the ten chapters in Women, Gender, and Technology explores a different aspect of how gender and technology work--and are at work--in particular domains, including film narratives, reproductive technologies, information technology, and the profession of engineering. The volume's contributors include representatives of over half a dozen different disciplines, and each provides a novel perspective on the foundational idea that gender and technology co-create one another. Together, their articles provide a window on to the rich and complex issues that arise in the attempt to understand the relationship between these profoundly intertwined notions.
Only then can we begin to crack the gender code it creates and perpetuates. This book analyses the discourse of Wired ... As well, it is a magazine that has become an icon of digital culture. As such, it provides a backdrop against ...
This book features interviews with famous women in the fields of computer science, science and mathematics, gaming, science fiction and fantasy, and comics and manga to learn how they overcame any sexism they experienced to get where they ...
Women.weaving.webs: Will Women Rule the Internet?
本书从社会性别的视角探讨新技术对女性的影响,以及女性在新技术领域内的地位和即将面临的问题,采用问卷调查的实证研究方法,建立了国内现状描述和国际比较分析的基础 ...