A classic labor history, newly updated and expanded
One forebear, Robert Livingston, had helped draft the Declaration of Independence. ... would go on to serve as a permanent representative to NATO and legal adviser to Secretary of State Colin Powell in George W. Bush's administration.
A subsequent NAACP lawsuit filed in the name of a black farmer recruited by Reverend DeLaine, Levi Pearson, was taken to court by Columbia attorney Harold Boulware and was dismissed on a ...
Both Chansky and Susan Curtis make the important point that the Little Theatre movement attempted to create a new kind of theatre, and that theatre audiences were in many ways characterized by the racism and nativism common to the early ...
“Rockefeller Wins Hospital Accord,” New York Times, 18 July 1962; Fink and Greenberg, Upheaval in the Quiet Zone, 28, 108. 26. Fink and Greenberg, Upheaval in the Quiet Zone; “Beth-El Hospital Medical Staff,” 1960, 1199 Papers. 27.
"The Sandwich Brigade" organized efforts to feed the thousands at the March on Washington. Author Fred Opie details the ways southern food nourished the fight for freedom, along with cherished recipes associated with the era.
With his power base secured, the newly appointed director, Richard Berman, began a campaign to reduce the state's supply of hospital beds. First, Berman's staffers enforced strictly the state's certificate- of-need requirements, ...
John K. Crellin, “Internal Antisepsis or the Dawn of Chemotherapy?,” Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 36 (1981), 9–18. 18. Aub and Hapgood, Pioneer in Modern Medicine, 39–41. 19. John H. Stokes, “Changing Causal ...
Early institutional and legal developments in public sector unionism, especially in New York City, are discussed in James L. Perry and Charles H. Levine, “An Interorganizational Analysis of Power, Conflict, and Settlements in Public ...
Fink and Greenberg, Upheaval in the Quiet Zone, 79. L. Joseph Overton, president New York NAACP, Press Release, May 17, 1959, Collection 5510, Box 46, Folder Messages from Unions, Org, Ind. Re Strike, Kheel Center Archives.
Interview with James Dooley , executive secretary , and Claudius Johnson , director , New York Plan for Training , Inc. , April 22 , 1988 . 63. New York City , Office of Construction Industry Relations , Problems of Discrimination and ...