The American Southwest is the focus for this volume in Noel Justice's series of reference works that survey, describe, and categorize the projectile point and cutting tools used in prehistory by Native American peoples. Written for archaeologists and amateur collectors alike, the book describes over 50 types of stone arrowhead and spear points according to period, culture, and region. With the knowledge of someone trained to fashion projectile points with techniques used by the Indians, Justice describes how the points were made, used, and re-sharpened. His detailed drawings illustrate the way the Indians shaped their tools, what styles were peculiar to which regions, and how the various types can best be identified. There are hundreds of drawings, organized by type cluster and other identifying characteristics. The book also includes distribution maps and color plates that will further aid the researcher or collector in identifying specific periods, cultures, and projectile types.
"This is an important new reference work for the professional archaeologist as well as the student and collector.
Frison , George C. , and Bruce A. Bradley 1980 Folsom Tools and Technology at the Hanson Site , Wyorning . University of New Mexico Press . 1981 Fluting Folsom Projectile Points : Archaeological Evidence . Lithic Technology 10 : 13–16 .
... Prehistoric Indian Art . ASV Quarterly Bulletin , Vol . 40 , No. 3 , pp . 112-121 . ( 1985 ) Virginia's Amateur Certification Program . Archaeology of Eastern North America , Vol . 13 , pp . 176- 177 . ( 1984 ) Virginia Paleoindians : A ...
Jack Hranicky is a retired U.S. Government contractor, but he has been involved with archaeology as a full-time passion for over 40 years.
Wm Jack Hranicky RPA. 1013 - Monrovia Points Monrovia [Notched] Point - named by Wm Jack Hranicky in 1991 after a city in Maryland. It is a side notched point with pointed stem corners. Base is concaved and is not ground.
... Age and Origin of Lithic Bi-points on the Eastern Seaboard and Their Relevance to the Pleistocene Peopling of North America. American Antiquity, 80, 134–145. Dewar, R. E. (1995). Of Nets and Trees: Untangling the Reticulate and ...
An archaeologically rich region, in advance of impending disturbance
MiddleLate Pleistocene long core-tool from Mantes, France, b–c. large thinned bifaces from Le Volgü and Les Jeans Blancs, France, d–e. fluted point and thinned biface from the Fenn Cache, western United States, f. thinned biface with ...
... Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points of California and the Great Basin. Indiana University Press, Bloomington. 2002b Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points of the Southwestern United States ... in the Archaeological Record: An Ethnoarchaeological Model ...
Mississippi Projectile Point Guide