Noel Justice adds another regional guide to his series of important reference works that survey, describe, and categorize the projectile point and cutting tools used in prehistory by Native American peoples. This volume addresses the region of California and the Great Basin. Written for archaeologists and amateur collectors alike, the book describes over 50 types of stone arrowhead and spear points according to period, culture, and region. With the knowledge of someone trained to fashion projectile points with techniques used by the Indians, Justice describes how the points were made, used, and re-sharpened. His detailed drawings illustrate the way the Indians shaped their tools, what styles were peculiar to which regions, and how the various types can best be identified. There are hundreds of drawings, organized by type cluster and other identifying characteristics. The book also includes distribution maps and color plates that will further aid the researcher or collector in identifying specific periods, cultures, and projectile types.
The American Southwest is the focus for this volume in Noel Justice's series of reference works that survey, describe, and categorize the projectile point and cutting tools used in prehistory by Native American peoples.
"This is an important new reference work for the professional archaeologist as well as the student and collector.
"This book was written for the non-professional, the relic hunter, the collector, for anyone who has an interest in ways of life of the past in that vast area known...
Mississippi Projectile Point Guide
A guide to the projectile points that can be found in the Midwestern United States.
Evolutionary theory has great potential to fill this gap. This collection of essays brings together several different evolutionary perspectives to demonstrate how lithic technological systems are a by-product of human behavior.
... 18 Midlands points, 110,293 Milankovitch, Milutin, 48 Miller, Albert, 150, 156 Miller, Delvin, 150 Miller lanceolate projectile point, 155, 156, 158, 159, 187 Miller family, 171 Minaya, Bernardino de 6 misinterpretation, dangers of, ...
A projectile technology was a crucial part of most foragers' strategies for survival, it was functionally spe cific, and it generally was fabricated from durable materials likely to be detected archaeologically.
The book examines notions of production, distribution and exchange in early communities and examines the link between economics and cultural and social factors. This edition includes a new foreword by the author.
STEINER A small, serrated, triangular point that has short projecting spurs at various intervals along the recurved lateral edges. The small, barbed shoulders flare outward, and the stem varies from mildly expanding to rectangular.