Collects political cartoons, comic strips, humorous essays and songs that satirize male chauvinism and society's stereotypes of women
Britney Spears, and Justin Timberlake wear his outthere diamonds—giant microphone pendants. huge ID neck's Honq IIoIIIsu to ox|| ||o] ow inq Isoq outinqop .
A collection of essays written by Samuel Clements (as Mark Twain.).
Begun in a weekly paper in 1881, Bierce's "dictionary" contained the sardonic definitions published by Ambrose Bierce as "The cynic's word book" in 1906.
... Louis Farrakhan Protestants : Archbishop of Canterbury , Pat Robertson Hindus : Swami Vivekananda , Maharishi Mahesh Yogi , Yogi Bear Mormons : Joseph Smith , Brigham Young , 7'7 " New Jersey Net Shawn Bradley ( someone you can look ...
This one came from the Washington Post , and it stated — we are not making any of this up — that a Colorado State University animal - nutrition professor named Donald Johnson has been studying cow flatulence for 20 years , and has ...
... Hertz Gisela Herzfeld Dick J. Hessing Chad Hesting Paul C. Hewett Colin Hewitt John H. Hewitt , M.D. Bill Hickman ... M.D. Betty Hoyle Dr. Jo H. F. Huddleston Joseph M. Humpert , M.D. Norma Jacob Lewis G. Jacobs Roberta B. Jacobson ...
By ( ahem ) coincidence , my first class of the afternoon was a study hall — as it was for Monty Jo , Larry Rowe , Jeff Mead and Mike Pipher ; all the pals I had talked into taking journalism . That meant we could leave the school at ...
Auntie Barbara's Tips for an Ordinary Life: A Celebration of a Kinder, Gentler Lifestyle
Would you rather have sex with ... just the top half of Briana Banks OR just the bottom half of Britney Spears ? a Filipino Justin Timberlake or an Caucasian Samuel L. Jackson ? Clint Howard or Kate Beckinsale , 10 seconds after she ...
Zipping Through Georgia-on a Goat-powered Time Machine with Ludlow Porch and a Parot Named Pete: (ZTGOAGPTMWLPAAPNP for Short)