Presents a verse translation of Dante's "Inferno" along with ten essays that analyze the different interpretations of the first canticle of the "Divine Comedy."
I was among the souls held in Purgatory, And a fair, saintly Lady called to me In such a wise way, I told herI was hers to command. Her eyes where shining brighter than the Star; And she began to say, gentle and low, ...
The Cary-Doré edition presents Dante's thought-provoking look at the afterlife in a modern yet classical way that continues to enthrall audiences well into the 21st-century.
The first part of Dante's epic poem The Divine Comedy, revealing the eternal punishment reserved for such sins as greed, self-deception, political double-dealing and treacheryDescribing Dante's descent into Hell midway...
Here is Dante at his ribald, shocking, and demonic best as he describes in unforgettably vivid detail his harrowing descent to the very bottom of Hell.
This is a truly original retelling of Dante's epic journey that will surprise and renew the 21st-century reader's faith in the art of translation.
This translation uses the Longfellow translation as a base, but replaces the obscure or antiquated verbiage with the language of Modern English. This translation could easily be read and understood by today's reader.
This graphic novel is inspired by The Divine Comedy by Dante.
Compiled in this book are etchings done by the great artist Gustaf Dore. Every etching of this infamous dream is ready to be colored and framed! This is the first of two volumes.
In the Inferno, the spirit of the classical poet Virgil leads Dante through the nine circles of Hell on the initial stage of his journey toward Heaven.