This bibliography of bibliographies lists and describes sources, from basic references to highly specialized materials. Valuable as a classroom text and as a research tool for scholars, librarians, performers, and teachers.
Since it was first published in 1993, the Sourcebook for Research in Music has become an invaluable resource in musical scholarship.
... Eric, 222 Friedland, Bea, 353 Friedson, Steven M., 132 Friedwald, Will, 77 Frierson-Campbell, Carol, 172 Friese-Greene, ... 355 Gibbs, Christopher H., 183, 296 Gibson, Gerald D., 384 Gibson, Kirsten, 108 Gibson, Lorna, 105 Gibson, ...
This book examines the wide array of factors at play in innovative practice and how by treating it as research we can make new ideas more widely accessible. Three key ideas propel the book.
Engaging Musical Practices: A Sourcebook for Middle School General Music presents numerous ways to engage adolescents in active music making that is relevant to their lives so that they may be more apt to continue their involvement with ...
Whether you are a pre-service, newly-hired, or veteran elementary general music teacher, Engaging Musical Practices: A Sourcebook on Elementary General Music offers a fresh perspective on topics that cut across all interactions with K-5th ...
Drawing on the richness of creative research work at key institutions in South-East Asia and Australian, this book examines the social, political, historical and cultural driving forces that spur and inspire excellence in creative research ...
This text explores interdisciplinary methods that merge with and focus on the study of music while emphasizing concepts and materials relevant to all types of research.
With a strong focus on the connection between research and writing, this comprehensive guide is ideal for use in both undergraduate and graduate music courses that require students to engage in library research or to write research papers.
This second edition continues to provide the foundational principles of research for all musicians, including performers, theorists, composers, conductors, music educators, and musicologists.
The research presented in this volume is very recent, and the general approach is that of rethinking popular musicology: its purpose, its aims, and its methods.