A guide to the projectile points that can be found in the Midwestern United States.
Projectile Points of the Midwest: A Field Guide
This useful guide provides a key to identifying the various styles of points found along the Upper Mississippi River in the Driftless region stretching roughly from Dubuque, Iowa, to Red Wing, Minnesota, but framed within a somewhat larger ...
Mississippi Projectile Point Guide
Lay and professional archaeologists, collectors, students, and enthusiasts will appreciate the beauty of the photos and the usefulness of the information in this pocket guide to Iowa projectile points.
STEINER A small, serrated, triangular point that has short projecting spurs at various intervals along the recurved lateral edges. The small, barbed shoulders flare outward, and the stem varies from mildly expanding to rectangular.
Frison , George C. , and Bruce A. Bradley 1980 Folsom Tools and Technology at the Hanson Site , Wyorning . University of New Mexico Press . 1981 Fluting Folsom Projectile Points : Archaeological Evidence . Lithic Technology 10 : 13–16 .
Projectile points of American Indians have long been objects of interest to students and historians. This arrowhead book has hundreds of photos, information about geographic origin, methods of production, sizes,...
Wm Jack Hranicky RPA. 1013 - Monrovia Points Monrovia [Notched] Point - named by Wm Jack Hranicky in 1991 after a city in Maryland. It is a side notched point with pointed stem corners. Base is concaved and is not ground.
Over 2,000 photographs feature thousands of specimens from our ancient past. Hothem gives the collector all the necessary facts about each item featured, such as important details, size, dates, location...
A Guide to the Identification of Florida Projectile Points