These strikingly lucid and accessible essays, ranging over nearly a century of Jewish communal life, examine the ways in which immigrant Jews grappled with issues of group survival in an open and accepting American society. Ten case studies focus on Jewish strategies for maintaining a collective identity while participating fully in American society and public life. Readers will find that these essays provide a fresh, provocative, and compelling look at the fundamental question facing American Jewry at the end of the 20th century, as at its start: how to assure Jewish survival in the benign conditions of American freedom.
economy : The way a country makes and uses its money , natural resources , goods , and services . emigration : The act of leaving one's own country , usually to settle elsewhere . engineer : A person who plans and builds roads , bridges ...
Vaughan owned 67 acres in the 1890's . In 1907 the layout of land was smaller lots . According to John Quarstein , the director of the War Memorial Museum in Newport News , from 1916 to 1927 the land was part of the town called ...
Refugee and Immigrant Resource Directory
... Radius 5/11/1811 Cork - N.Y. Rankin Robert- Harmony 10/31/1811 L'derry - Philad ' Rankin Alexander- Ballyeronan ... Swilly - Philad ' Rankin James- Ballyeronan Pallas 7/2/1812 Lough Swilly - Philad ' Rankin Elizabeth- Ballyeronan ...
Argues convincingly that immigration continues to benefit U.S. natives as well as most developed countries
Sport and Ethnicity
Chips off the Auld Rock is both a history of Shetland settlement and a flavour of Shetland life in New Zealand. The arts of knitting, music, stonemasonary and boatbuilding are all illustrated here.
Destination Australia: Main Findings from a Study of Pre-departure Information Needs of Temporary Residents and Immigrants
Kh . Malits , “ Di ideale konvenshon fun ind . order ahoves yisroel , ” Amerikaner , 9 September 1910 , p . 6 ; " I.O.B.A. konvenshon nemt on ... Ploni ve - Kohen , “ Di dray idishe konvenshons , ” Amerikaner , 1 May 1908 , p . 4 .
What started out as a question about suicide grew into a quest.