The American Southwest is the focus for this volume in Noel Justice's series of reference works that survey, describe, and categorize the projectile point and cutting tools used in prehistory by Native American peoples. Written for archaeologists and amateur collectors alike, the book describes over 50 types of stone arrowhead and spear points according to period, culture, and region. With the knowledge of someone trained to fashion projectile points with techniques used by the Indians, Justice describes how the points were made, used, and re-sharpened. His detailed drawings illustrate the way the Indians shaped their tools, what styles were peculiar to which regions, and how the various types can best be identified. There are hundreds of drawings, organized by type cluster and other identifying characteristics. The book also includes distribution maps and color plates that will further aid the researcher or collector in identifying specific periods, cultures, and projectile types.
The Memoirs of Lieut. Henry Timberlake
This volume of Native myths and legends is an indispensable document in the history of North American anthropology.
... them from their lands toward the Rocky mountains ; that Tecumseh was a great general , and that nothing but his premature death defeated his grand plan ( J. Mooney The Ghost Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890 : p .
A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren Among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, from Its Commencement, in the...
The Navajo Indians
American Indian and Alaska Native Newspapers and Periodicals, 1925-1970: 1925-1970
1971-1985. - 1986
A very similar tale was told to Hewitt only a little over a hundred years ago by Iroquois informants. Fenton emphasizes the long oral tradition of this myth, which most likely is much older than we can guess.
KAREN CLARK Seneca ( 1948 – Steamburg , New York Beadworker , also creates rattles DORIAL CLARK Tuscarora / Cayuga ( 1940– ) Beadworker , wireworker , headdress worker EDUCATION : Murial Hewitt , Clark's cousin , taught her .
... ambassadors , politicians , genwith clay - caked boots , men in buckskins , moccasins , skin- erals , and senators . ning knives in their belts , weather - beaten women in calico When Timberlake , her husband , committed suicide ...