The history, roots, characteristics, and themes of the black film genre are illuminated in analyses of six films including The Scar of Shame, The St. Louis Blues, and Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song
In Black Film as a Signifying Practice, Gladstone Yearwood explores cinema as part of the black cultural tradition. He argues that black film criticism is best understood as a 20th...
This is the kind of categorical thinking that Alexander seeks to broaden, looking at films from the 60s to the present day in the context of their time.
Black Lenses, Black Voices is a provocative look at films directed and written_and sometimes produced_by African Americans, as well as black-oriented films whose directors or screenwriters are not black.
box-office, and the race problem seemed a topic ideal for raising profitable controversy” (146).8 With this in mind, ... problem pic; result has been the development of a race to be first on the screen with the subject” (“1949” 3).
This assessment of black film history distinguishes between American films that are controlled by Blacks and those which utilize black talent, but are controlled by Whites.
In Film Blackness Michael Boyce Gillespie shifts the ways we think about black film, treating it not as a category, a genre, or strictly a representation of the black experience but as a visual negotiation between film as art and the ...
A challenge to Hollywood's one-dimensional images of African Americans.
Dunn, S. 'Baad Bitches' and Sassy Supermamas: Black Power Action Films. Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press, 2008. 109. Print. Hill Collins, Patricia. Black Feminist Thought. New York: Routledge, 2009. 91. Print.
In The Hollywood Jim Crow, Maryann Erigha tells the story of inequality, looking at the practices and biases that limit the production and circulation of movies directed by racial minorities.
Lindsay Patterson (New York: Dodd, Mead, ¡975), ¡97. 29. Victoria Sturtevant, “'But things is changin' nowadays an' Mammy's gettin' bored': Hattie McDaniel and the Culture of Dissemblance,” Velvet Light Trap, Fall ¡999. 30.