... 66 parameter , 52 Pareto Charts , 85 Pareto principle , 85 Partial F , 112 PEARSON , 101 Percentile rank ... 55 Poisson Distribution , 37 POISSON , 38 Polynomial Regression , 113 Positive , 92 Power curve , 71 M MAD .
Rebecca M. Warner's Applied Statistics: From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques, Second Edition provides a clear introduction to widely used topics in bivariate and multivariate statistics, including multiple regression, discriminant ...
This book is a guide to using S environments to perform statistical analyses and provides both an introduction to the use of S and a course in modern statistical methods.
Basic Bivariate Techniques Rebecca M. Warner. rankY – .690 double star Sig – two tailed X – blank Y –.007 rankX – blank rankY – .007 N X – 10 Y – 10 rankX – 10 rankY – 10 Spearman's rho X Correlation coefficient X – 1 Y –.859 double ...
For graduate students in the social and health sciences, featuring essential concepts and equations most often needed in scholarly publications.
(See Darroch & Ratcliff, 1972, .) This is usually very much faster than GLM fitting but is less flexible. To use loglin we need to form the frequencies into an array. A simple way to do this is to construct a matrix subscript from the ...
This book is essential reading for anyone who makes extensive use of statistical methods in their work.
This is a text in methods of applied statistics for researchers who design and conduct experiments, perform statistical inference, and write technical reports.
Statistical methods discussed in this book are used to introduce the fundamentals of using R functions and provide ideas for developing further skills in writing R code.
The usefulness of the book as a reference is enhanced by a number of convenient tables and by references to other tables and methods, both in the text and in the bibliography.
Whether at the undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate level, this book provides the tools needed to properly analyze your data in an efficient, accessible, plainspoken, frank, and occasionally humorous manner, ensuring that readers come ...