This breakthrough study argues for a significant link between phonetics and phonology. Its authors propose that phonological rules and representations are tightly constrained by the interaction of formal conditions drawn from a limited universal pool and substantive conditions of a phonetically motivated nature. They support this proposal through principled accounts of a variety of topics such as vowel harmony, neutrality, and under specification.Unlike much work on this topic, Archangeli and Pulleyblank provide an explicit account of their assumptions, defined in a comprehensive theory of phonological rules and representations. The authors survey an impressive range of data, including an investigation of cross-linguistic patterns of ATR Harmony. They demonstrate that their theory is flexible enough to account for variation in individual phonological systems, yet it is firmly constrained by a small set of well-motivated principles. Extensive references throughout the book to published and unpublished work provide a valuable roadmap through this semicharted terrain.The approach in Grounded Phonology is modular, in that it presents a theory composed of subtheories, each of which is independently motivated, and the role of each module is to constrain the range of possibilities (of wellformedness)in its domain. Differences among languages can arise from differing intramodular selections or from interaction among modules.Diana Archangeli is Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Arizona. Douglas Pulleyblank is Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of British Columbia.
Bybee, Joan L., & Osten Dahl. 1989. The creation of tense and aspect systems in the languages of the world. Studies in Language 13,1:51–103. Bybee, Joan L., & William Pagliuca 1985. Cross linguistic comparison and the development of ...
Using Correct Grammar: Upper Primary
50-54 ; RUS MOR4 , 9 PRA3 , 5 , 9 THE11 MET9 1744 LONE , Steinar , “ Ancora sulla negazione espletiva nelle lingue romanze : Le espressioni di timore nell'italiano moderno " , SCL 33 ( 1982 ) , 494-496 ; ITA MORO LEX1 , 3 MET2 , 3 1745 ...
Berwick and Chomsky (2016:175) argue in passing (and without documentation) that “[unification] is Turing-complete, so there is no formal limit on the kinds of grammars it can describe.” Without knowing what characteristics of ...
b. #KikA a' share' A-ka-natar-a-kwetaru-ha-'. this knife FUT-NsS-bread-0-cut(STAT)-PURP-puNC 'This knife will go to cut ... Indeed, Rosen (1989a) argues that similar verbal predicates in Italian, such as volere 'want' and andare 'go to' ...
The Grammatical Analysis of Language Disability: A Procedure for Assessment and Remediation
Offering a compelling perspective on the structure of the human language, this book addresses the proper balance between syntax and semantics, between structure and derivation, and between rule systems and lexicon.
This work has also benefitted from discussions with many other colleagues, including Lauren Ackerman, Ann Bunger, Dustin Chaco ́n, Bill Croft, Peter Culicover, Alejandro Cuza, Brian Dillon, Alex Francis, Ted Gibson, April Ginther, ...
Ian Roberts, Professor of Linguistics Ian Roberts ... ideas we will explore in this book ( mainly in the next chapter ) : that parametric change is driven by language ... 2 Croft ( 2003 : 247 ) also refers to a ' Chicken - and - Egg ...