Work as fundamental to life, explored at different levels of organization from the perspectives of a variety of biological and nonbiological disciplines. The work performed by living systems ranges from photosynthesis to prodigious feats of computation and organization. This multidisciplinary volume explores the relationships between work and the study of work across many different levels of organization. By addressing how work gets done, and why, from the perspectives of a range of disciplines, including cell and evolutionary biology, neuroscience, psychology, electrical and computer engineering, and design, the volume sets out to establish an integrative approach to the study of work.Chapters introduce the biological work of producing energy in the cell; establish inherent tradeoffs between energy and information in neural systems; relate principles of integrated circuit manufacture to work in biological systems; explore the work of photosynthesis; investigate how work shapes organisms' evolutionary niches; consider the human work of design; describe the effects of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction on work-life balance; and address the effects of environmental challenges (stress) on how humans and animals do work. Finally, editors and contributors draw these studies together and point to future developments. Contributors Alan Blackwell, Gillian Brown, Christina De La Rocha, Kevin Laland, Simon Laughlin, Robert Levin, Michael Lightner, Steven Maier, Joseph Rosse, Stacy Saturay
Considered a standard in the field, this text integrates Bioenergetics into every chapter and provides a comprehensive survey of current data and research in exercise physiology.
Exercise Physiology: Human Bioenergetics and Its Applications
Energy, Plants and Man
Body Alignment Technique: A Practical System for Transformation and Healing
Explains how energy moves through the human body, its relationship to other cells, and the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Pyramid Power: The Millennium Science
Life and Energy
Pesticide Synthesis Handbook. Park Ridge, N.J.: Noyes Publications. UNO (United Nations Organization). 1956. World energy requirements in 1975 and 2000. In Proceedings of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic ...
Pyramid Power
Pyramid Power II: Scientific Evidence