Brock, Hsieh, and LeBaron show how the principles of chaos theory can be applied tosuch areas of economics and finance as the changing structure of stock returns and nonlinearity inforeign exchange.
Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos and Instability
Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Instability - Unix Version
This book (2nd edition) is a self-contained introduction to a wide body of knowledge on nonlinear dynamics and chaos.
This book examines qualitative methods for nonlinear differential equations, bifurcation theory and chaos in terms suitable for advanced undergraduate and first-year postgraduate students in mathematics and physics.
This book, however, is about "good" instabilities, which lead to change, evolution, progress, creativity, and intelligence; they explain the paradox of irreversi bility in thermodynamics, the phenomena of chaos and turbulence in clas sical ...
This textbook is aimed at newcomers to nonlinear dynamics and chaos, especially students taking a first course in the subject.
This book provides students and researchers with a systematic solution for fluid-induced structural vibrations, galloping instability and the chaos of cables.
Now it is time to focus on real-life problems that are high-dimensional or ill-defined, for example, due to delay, spatial extent, stochasticity, or the limited nature of available data. How can one understand the dynamics of such sys
This book is primarily concerned with the computational aspects of predictability of dynamical systems – in particular those where observation, modeling and computation are strongly interdependent.
Much of the content is devoted to the study of the Wigner distribution. This volume gives the first complete survey of the progress made by both mathematicians and physicists. It will serve as an excellent reference for further research.