An argument for a Copernican revolution in our consideration of mental features—a shift in which the world-brain problem supersedes the mind-body problem. Philosophers have long debated the mind-body problem—whether to attribute such mental features as consciousness to mind or to body. Meanwhile, neuroscientists search for empirical answers, seeking neural correlates for consciousness, self, and free will. In this book, Georg Northoff does not propose new solutions to the mind-body problem; instead, he questions the problem itself, arguing that it is an empirically, ontologically, and conceptually implausible way to address the existence and reality of mental features. We are better off, he contends, by addressing consciousness and other mental features in terms of the relationship between world and brain; philosophers should consider the world-brain problem rather than the mind-body problem. This calls for a Copernican shift in vantage point—from within the mind or brain to beyond the brain—in our consideration of mental features. Northoff, a neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and philosopher, explains that empirical evidence suggests that the brain's spontaneous activity and its spatiotemporal structure are central to aligning and integrating the brain within the world. This spatiotemporal structure allows the brain to extend beyond itself into body and world, creating the “world-brain relation” that is central to mental features. Northoff makes his argument in empirical, ontological, and epistemic-methodological terms. He discusses current models of the brain and applies these models to recent data on neuronal features underlying consciousness and proposes the world-brain relation as the ontological predisposition for consciousness.
This text also explores the latest evolving techniques and appropriate utilization of modern equipment and technology to safely provide care.
... movement initiated, and hence either subjects' judgements without TMS or their judgements with TMS were illusory. See H.C. Lau, RD. Rogers, and RE. Passingham 'Manipulating the experienced onset of intention after action execution', ...
Moreover, normal and aberrant patterns of spontaneous activity underlie behavioral states and diseased conditions in the adult brain. The recent technological development has shed light on these unique questions in spontaneous activity.
This book provides eloquent support for the idea that spontaneous neuron activity, far from being mere noise, is actually the source of our cognitive abilities.
In all of these cases, striving seems to backfire. In Trying Not To Try, Edward Slingerland explains why we find spontaneity so elusive, and shows how early Chinese thought points the way to happier, more authentic lives.
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Augmented Cognition, AC 2017, held as part of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2017, which took place in Vancouver, BC, Canada, ...
2008 ) Dorsal attention * ( Yeo et al . 2011 ) Ventral Attention * ( Yeo et al . 2011 ) Control " ( Yeo et al . 2011 ) Default * ( Yeo et al . 2011 ) Reference ( Van Dijk et al . 2010 ) CingPary DorsAtt VentAtt Control Default Ref Task ...
Using these marvelous stories to probe mysteries of the body, emotion, love, sex, culture, and education, Dr. Doidge has written an immensely moving, inspiring book that will permanently alter the way we look at our brains, human nature, ...
Georg Northoff is a world-leading expert in this exciting area, and in Minding the Brain he provides a comprehensive introduction to non-reductive neurophilosophy, charting the developments of the discipline and applying its ideas to the ...
In Spontaneous Evolution, this world-renowned expert in the emerging science of epigenetics reveals how our changing understanding of biology will help us navigate this turbulent period in our planet’s history and how each of us can ...