Deregulation in the airline industry has spurred a major growth in entrepreneurs competing with established carriers. This book takes a close look at the phenomenon in two areas--commuter airlines using small propeller-driven aircraft to offer scheduled short-haul service in low density markets, and jet-equipped carriers like the now familiar Southwest Airlines, New York Air, and People's Express, offering simple, no-frills service and low fares in short to medium hauls."Airline Deregulation "focuses in particular on how these two relatively new segments of the industry will eventually be structured, and their impact on the rest of the industry. It points out that already, in their present structure, these carriers have played significant roles in rationalizing service to small communities, broadening the range of fare and service offerings, improving productivity, and lowering cost structures.Chapters cover opportunities in a deregulated industry, entrepreneurial opportunities before deregulation, the demand for short-haul air service and its cost structure, commuter airline safety, financial strategies, competitive strategies of new entrant jets, and of commuters, airport congestion and new entrant access, small community service and the role of Federal subsidy, and airline industry structure and public policy."Deregulation and the New Airline Entrepreneurs" is the ninth volume in the Regulation of Economic Activities Series, edited by Richard Schmalensee.
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