Since the first selection of George Santayana's letters was published in 1955, shortly after his death, many more letters have been located. "The Works of George Santayana, Volume V", brings together a total of more than 3000 letters.
Le 27 , Helvétius avait dîné chez lady Hervey ( v . lettres 367 , note 1 , et 446 , par . 3 , ainsi que Letters of Mary Lepel , Lady Hervey , Londres , 1821 , p . 301 ) . Le 29 , il s'était rendu au Mitre , dans Fleet Street , à un ...
Helps you find answers to life's big questions such as 'Who am I?' or 'Should I ever tell a lie?' and what philosophy is. How do you know whether you're awake or dreaming? Is the world real? Why do we need rules?
Russell, Elizabeth (wife of Frank Russell) see von Arnim, 'Elizabeth' (Mary Annette), Countess Russell Russell, Frank see Russell, John Francis Stanley (Frank), 2nd Earl Russell Russell, Harriet (daughter of Dora) 288, 290, 295, 296, ...
... the malicious calumniators of the Christian religion, translated from their respective originals, with notes and preliminary dissertations (Joseph Betty, Oxford, 1722). ... J. H. Waszink (Westminster, MD: Newman Press, 1956). 17.
Although at the time his work was successful and influential, especially in America, it has since been subjected to criticism and reassessment.
Nicolas de La Garde recevait la survi Phalier , future dame Dalibard , vance de la charge de fermier général ( 1725-1757 ) , était l'auteur de pluqu'occupait son père . Le 12 mai , sieurs ouvrages : Le Portefeuille renMme de Graffigny ...
An eminent textual scholar who has contributed to this edition in significant ways is G. Thomas Tanselle, Textual Editor of The Writings of Herman Melville (a critical edition in fifteen volumes) and a foremost authority on editorial ...
As for Alexander , look at the Politics again . I claim - for reasons I won't bother you with - that the very notion of a political empire is an absurdity . Alexander's empire covered the whole of Greece and vast tracts of Asia .
Timotei er en liten rosa tøygris som har bodd sammen med Arne og Kit-Fai Næss i tretten år.
Self-celebrating and self-mocking autobiographical writings from Ecce Homo, the last work Nietzsche wrote before his descent into madness