Analysis and case studies from interdisciplinary perspectives explore the possibilityand desirability of collaboration between the grassroots-oriented environmental justice movement andmainstream environmental organizations.
Levinson Transportation Consultant, New Haven, CT SUE MCNEIL, Director, Urban Transportation Center and Professor, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs and Department of Civil and Material Engineering, University of Illinois, ...
A timely and comprehensive look at the protests at Standing Rock!
First Published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Environmental Sociology, intended for use in Environmental Sociology courses, uses sociological methods and perspectives to analyze key environmental issues.
Florence Robinson , Participatory Science , and Zip Code Studies Florence Robinson is a professor of biology at Southern University in Baton Rouge . An African - American scientist and educator , she was one of the first people in the ...
See Steven Ferry , Law Of Independent Power ( West Pub . 1998 ) . 15. See Chapter 15 , " Controlling Existing Facilities , " infra . 16. See Michael B. Gerrard , The Victims of NIMBY , 21 Fordham Urb . L. J. 495 ( 1994 ) . 17.
The work is an authentic and comprehensive one on environmental security.
Philosopher Olúfemi O. Táíwò presents a bold and original case for reparations, arguing that reparations should best be seen as constructive and future-oriented rather than as restitution for historical wrongs.
A similar point about the history and future of the U.S. environment movement is made by Robert Gottlieb , Forcing the Spring ( Washington D.C .: Island Press , 1993 ) . 5. Drew Hutton and Libby Connors , A History of the Australian ...
Scholars and activists investigate the emergence of a distinctively Latin American environmental justice movement, offering analysis and case studies that illustrate the connections between popular environmental mobilization and social ...