Why an organization's response to digital disruption should focus on people and processes and not necessarily on technology. Digital technologies are disrupting organizations of every size and shape, leaving managers scrambling to find a technology fix that will help their organizations compete. This book offers managers and business leaders a guide for surviving digital disruptions—but it is not a book about technology. It is about the organizational changes required to harness the power of technology. The authors argue that digital disruption is primarily about people and that effective digital transformation involves changes to organizational dynamics and how work gets done. A focus only on selecting and implementing the right digital technologies is not likely to lead to success. The best way to respond to digital disruption is by changing the company culture to be more agile, risk tolerant, and experimental. The authors draw on four years of research, conducted in partnership with MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte, surveying more than 16,000 people and conducting interviews with managers at such companies as Walmart, Google, and Salesforce. They introduce the concept of digital maturity—the ability to take advantage of opportunities offered by the new technology—and address the specifics of digital transformation, including cultivating a digital environment, enabling intentional collaboration, and fostering an experimental mindset. Every organization needs to understand its “digital DNA” in order to stop “doing digital” and start “being digital.” Digital disruption won't end anytime soon; the average worker will probably experience numerous waves of disruption during the course of a career. The insights offered by The Technology Fallacy will hold true through them all. A book in the Management on the Cutting Edge series, published in cooperation with MIT Sloan Management Review.
They were forced to adapt to a confluence of multiple disruptions inextricably linked to a longer-term, ongoing digital disruption. This book shows that companies that use disruption as an opportunity for innovation emerge from it stronger.
This book offers an essential guide for retooling organizations for digital success through 5 key building blocks: • Shared Customer Insights • Operational Backbone • Digital Platform • Accountability Framework • External ...
Robert L. Glass. Brooks , Frederick P. , Jr. 1995. ... And , like Sherlock Holmes , you need to enlist your brain and any brain - supporting things you can think of . Adding code to a program specifically to isolate and investigate an ...
The hitch comes as follows. A decimal representation is simply a way of writing a series. Thus, 0.333 means the infinite series 3 3 3 3 ~+ 0+—+———+-———+-~ + 10 100 1000 10"“1 All such series have sums. In particular, the infinite series ...
Fair, witty appraisal of cranks, quacks, and quackeries of science and pseudoscience: hollow earth, Velikovsky, orgone energy, Dianetics, flying saucers, Bridey Murphy, food and medical fads, and much more.
Reconnecting Culture, Technology and Nature: From Society to Heterogeneity. London: Routledge. Michael, M. (2002). “Comprehension, apprehension, and prehension: heterogeneity and the public understanding of science.
Digital Marketer & Entrepreneur Joshua Littlejohn has the answer and will show you how. The Marketing Fallacy provides small business owners with a proven road to establish their company's image — without breaking the bank.
His biggest career successes, on the other hand, seemed to come when he and his teams went against the tide and did everything "wrong." This book is an examination of the popular belief system about startups.
A number of authors have noted that if some physical parameters were slightly changed, the universe could no longer support life, as we know it.
Meanwhile, those in power use our lack of understanding to further their own interests. Despite the apparent accessibility of information, we’re living in a new Dark Age.