A range of perspectives on the complex political, philosophical, and pragmatic implications of opening research and scholarship through digital technologies. The Open Access Movement proposes to remove price and permission barriers for accessing peer-reviewed research work--to use the power of the internet to duplicate material at an infinitesimal cost-per-copy. In this volume, contributors show that open access does not exist in a technological vacuum; there are complex political, philosophical, and pragmatic implications for opening research through digital technologies. The contributors examine open access across spans of colonial legacies, knowledge frameworks, publics and politics, archives and digital preservation, infrastructures and platforms, and global communities.
The scientific community helps in developing the idea and from that iterative process may emerge experimentation and the final output in a formal publication for dissemination and consumption to a larger group (Garvey and Griffith, ...
This is essential reading for all concerned with the rapidly evolving scholarly communications landscape, including researchers, librarians, publishers, funders, academics and HE institutions.
Organized in an easy-to-use question-and-answer format, this book provides a lively and helpful summary of some of the most important issues and developments in the world of scholarly communication -- a world that affects our everyday lives ...
To support academic librarians and information specialists in starting their own scholarly communications departments, Sustaining and Enhancing the Scholarly Communications Department begins by introducing key scholarly communications ...
Open and Equitable Scholarly Communications is an action-oriented research agenda designed to provide practical, actionable information for academic librarians; include the perspectives of historically underrepresented communities in order ...
The Changing System of Scholarly Communication
We are in an overall time of transition from print to electronic online as the normative form for scholarly communication ... Open access also extends scholarly knowledge beyond the academy and makes it available to all – professionals, ...
The framework emerging from those discussions – potentially applicable also to other forms of intellectual, cultural and economic exchange in other periods and regions – is documented in this book.
But as Heather Ford demonstrates in Writing the Revolution, the facts that appear on Wikipedia are often the result of protracted power struggles over how data are created and used, how history is written and by whom, and the very ...
Warner , J. 2018. " Guest Post : A Season of Strikes . " Inside Higher Ed ( blog ) . http://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/just-visiting/guest-post-season -strikes . Watters , A. 2015. " A History of MOOCs : Mythology and Wikiality .