This collection of readings provides a solid grounding in the major practical business decisions that students and managers face in a global setting. The organization of the reader emphasizes general patterns of trade and investment flows, while examining in depth - the reasons for the internationalization of firms and the international dimension of various functional areas, including finance, accounting, marketing, and production.In six sections the readings take up changes in international ownership patterns, corporate strategy, international marketing issues, the basic financial decisions and taxation issues for a multinational firm, and political risk. Each section includes an introduction that outlines the basic ideas to be discussed, as well as questions, key terms, and suggestions for further reading.Robert Z. Aliber is Professor of International Economics and Finance at the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago. Reid W. Click is Assistant Professor of Economics in the Lemberg Program in International Economics and Finance at Brandeis University.
This is a comprehensive, up-to-date compendium of key readings on international business theory and practice.
For use on courses in international business law, this work emphasises the practical applications and theory. Cases and readings supplement the text.
Readings in International Business Management: Global economic and business environment
Readings in International Business Negotiations
Brothers Dick and Maurice McDonald started a hamburger shop, in 1948, at San Bernadino in California in the USA. Their idea was to sell hamburgers at a cheaper rate than their competitors. They were not ready to compromise on the ...
Can firms pursue internationalization on several fronts at the same time? How can firms handle cultural and institutional distances between home and host markets?
The advent of globalization and the global market place has brought about a widespread boom in the international trade and commerce.
Readings in International Business Management: Profitability and business policy
This text not only describes the ideas of international business but it also uses contemporary examples, scenarios, and cases to help students effectively put theory into practice.
International Business Practices: Contemporary Readings