This collection of essays is a current and comprehensive review of what scientists and scholars know about WMD terrorism and America's options for confronting it. Complete with mathematical methods for analyzing terrorist threats and allocating defense resources, this multidisciplinary perspective addresses all forms and defenses of WMD, and the role of domestic U.S. politics in shaping defense investments and policies. Also identified are multiple instances in which the conventional wisdom is incomplete or misleading.
This text analyzes Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) weapons and terrorist groups with a known interest in them.
The book examines the impacts of CBRNE weapons on human health and recommends safety precautions for both emergency responders and the public.
WMD terrorism and proliferent states: hearing
One Of The Debated Aspects Of The Study Of Terrorism Over Last Few Years Has Been The Likelihood Of Using Weapons Of Mass Destruction (Wmd) By Terrorists.
Much has been written on WMD terrorism, but few books present a systems approach to this problem. In this book, we present an integrated view of WMD terrorism.
WMD terrorism and proliferent states: hearing before the Subcommittee on Prevention of Nuclear and Biological Attack of the Committee on...
The twenty-nine articles explore the issue of WMD and key questions raised about terrorism, its definition, objects, motivation, whether there is a different species of it emerging in the aftermath...
Terrorist weapons and delivery methods are becoming increasingly sophisticated; as such, this book focuses on the chemistry and biology of WMDs, the development and history of their use, and human health effects of such weapons.
The Commission believes that unless the world community acts decisively and with great urgency, it is more likely than not that a weapon of mass destruction will be used in a terrorist attack somewhere in the world by the end of 2013.
These are useful ways to begin thinking about establishing protocols for protecting our armed forces and the civilian population they are sworn to defend.