Without Miracles describes many remarkable examples of the fit of various structures, behaviors, and products of living organisms to their environments in a broad synthesis of humankind's attempt to understand the emergence of complex, adapted entities.
Inquiry Into Life
Whistling Thorn Trees can make eerie music when the wind blows . Some of the hollow balls on their branches have holes in them . These holes are made by ants that set up Hole made by home inside . ants When the ants move out , the wind ...
本书是1974年由耶鲁大学医学院院长刘易斯·托马斯所撰写的生物学科普读物,由二十九篇文章结集而成.为读者们展示一个由声音,气味,外激素,计算机,人类语言等组成的信息世界 ...
本书以给一位美国南方浸礼教会牧师写信的方式,以博物学家的宽广胸怀和科学家的坦荡从容 ...
Eglin RP, Sharp F, MacLean AB, MacNab JCM, Clements JB, Wilkie NM (1981) . Detection of RNA complementary to Herpes ... Jones KW, Fenoglio CM, Shevchuck-Chaban M, Maitland NJ, McDougall JK (1978). Detection of Herpes virus-2 mRNA in ...
Biology: A Revision Scheme for Students Preparing for the West African School Certificate ('O' Level) and the East African Certificate...
Biological Science
Essays in Philosophical Biology
Biological Science