From the John Holmes Library collection.
Among the most interesting foreign works , I would include those of Raymond Garthoff , Michael MccGwire , Carl Jacobsen , Jacob Kipp , Dale Herspring , Harriet and William Scott , Thomas Wolfe , Stephen Meyer , David Holloway , and Peer ...
Russian military capacity remains a major consideration for global security even in the post-Soviet era. This book assesses today's Russian military and analyzes its possible future direction.
... F.I. Konasov, and S.I, Tkach, Boyevyye Deystiviya Motostrelkovogo Batal'ona v Gorode Combat Action of a Motorized Rifle Battalion in a City] (Moscow: Woyenizdat, 1971), trans. OACS (I) K-1400, January 12, 1972, p. 110.
This is a study of Soviet military doctrine and capabilities, and their relation to Soviet foreign policy objectives and East-West relations during the Gorbachev period. The role of military power...
Cronin, Patrick N., 64, 83, 85, 87, 90, 93, 97-98, 102, 109, 121-22, 126, 129-30 Dash, Barbara, 228«42 Deane, ... John G., 231 «5 Hitler, Adolf, 24, 195, 223 «3 Hoffman, Stanley, 243 «23 Hyland, William G., 204 lakubovskii, I., ...
This study concentrates on the military roots of Soviet policy.
A study of the political economy of Soviet military power, examining Soviet Russian ideology and tradition, theory and practice of the military doctrine, the domestic aspect and new economic realism,...
Soviet Power and Western Negotiating Policies: The Soviet asset, military power in the competition over Europe
A comprehensive look at both the diversity of Eastern Europe and the multiplicity of Soviet concerns in the region.
Romanian Foreign Policy Since 1965: The Political and Military Limits of Autonomy