This text introduces the reader to the main ideas in the field of computational cognitive neuroscience. The aim of the discipline is to understand how the brain embodies the mind by using biologically based computational models which simulate neuronal networks.
Introduction to computer modeling of the brain, to understand how people think.
In R. Casey and B. Croft (eds.), Second Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information ... Stolcke, A., E. Shriberg, R. Bates, N. Coccaro, D. Jurafsky, R. Martin, M. Meteer, K. Ries, P. Taylor, and C. Van Ess-Dykema. 1998.
Grillner , S. , and M. Konishi , guest eds . ( 1991 ) . ... Grillner , S. , J. T. Buchanan , and A. Lansner ( 1988 ) . Simulation of the segmental burst generating network for ... Hanson , S. J. , and C. R. Olson , eds . ( 1990 ) .
This anniversary edition offers a new preface by the authors that puts the book in the context of current research. This approach influenced a generation of researchers.
The book can be used for advanced undergraduate or graduate level courses.
A cutting-edge reference source for the interdisciplinary field of computational cognitive modeling.
Based on three lectures given by Randy Gallistel in the prestigious Blackwell-Maryland Lectures in Language and Cognition, the text has been significantly revised and expanded with numerous interdisciplinary examples and models and reflects ...
Computational modeling is such a tool, enabling researchers to turn theories into precise formulations. This book offers a mathematically gentle and theoretically unified introduction to modeling cognitive processes.
Leopold Voss, Leipzig. Fechner, G.T., 1860. Elemente der Psychophysik. Breitkopf und Ha ̈rtel, Leipzig. Hecht, S.P., 1942. Energy, quanta, and vision. J. Gen. Physiol. 25, 819À840. Norton, T.T., Corliss, D.A., Bailey, J.E., 2002.
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