Some rules are made to be broken... Olivia Coates-Clark knew her affair with handsome Dr Zachary Wright couldn't last for ever, so she ended it before she could get hurt. But when a chance encounter reunites them she finds herself considering breaking her one rule: not to give in to her desire for Zac! For A&E nurse Naomi Bloom, a handsome man only spells bad news. So when she's forced to move in with her gorgeous new boss, Dr Tom Williams, she is certain he's strictly off-limits! When a family illness calls Nurse Violet Dempsey back to the aristocratic world she spurned years ago she's finally forced to face Nate Taylor...the boy-next-door she left behind.
“Do you wish to speak to Mr. Edward Vaughan? Or Sir Nicholas, perhaps?” “No, no, but thank you. Would you have any idea what time Mr. Vaughan checked out this morning?” “It was yesterday, actually, Miss Marsden. Mr. Vaughan checked out ...
Sometimes, the lessons of childhood are damaging enough that, by eighteen, you've figured out some rules so you don't repeat your parents' mistakes.
Learning that her younger brother is being abused by his stepfather, Eden endeavors to reconcile with her estranged Navy SEAL husband to provide the teen with a more loving family, an effort that is challenged by another youth's involvement ...
Breaking the Rules: Removing the Obstacles to Effortless High Performance
Anna Boyd almost lost her life to get what she wanted most in the world: freedom.
Saul Reynolds manages a busy bicycle shop in downtown Boulder, Colorado.
... in H. Schneider (ed.), Internationales handbuch der lariminologie (Berlin: de Gruyter), 333-58. (2009), 'Crime propensity, criminogenic exposure and crime involvement in early to mid adolescence', Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und ...
Breaking the Rules: 111 Tips for Selling Value in the Era of Procurement
It started with a crush. The best stories always do. Our story sounds predictable. Short-lived. Destined for failure.
Who else knew about that job but Alec? I'm crushed. This is why I don't do relationships.Third-grade teacher Lumen Browne and multi-billionaire CEO Alec McCrae are an unlikely couple, but they're willing to defy the odds.