Sudden tragedy puts their faith--and lives--on the line in this compelling conclusion to the bestselling series from Lauraine Snelling.
The Christo Rey story is one of the more improbable and inspiring educational success stories in decades.
... Hungary's industrialization was propelling forward at a rapid pace, and no one in Banky's immediate circle was more familiar with the drastic changes that had spread to the government than her father, János. ... By 9 More Than a Dream.
The fact that he hadn't been able to 'control' what went on in his home made him feel less than a man and his pride had been damaged. He knew the situation needed a solution because they couldn't go on like they had for the past months.
'Good, then that's settled. Now, to more important things.' 'Like?' she asked with a rather wicked twinkle of her own. Without answering, he put one arm round her back, one under her knees, and lifted her to lie full-length on the bed.
“It was more of a childhood attachment. Something our parents wished ... “Then that might perhaps explain why you were seen kissing Dr. Soames.” Miss Nightingale's expression ... She understood Miss Stanhope's dreams—she shared them.
You sure you don't care for Thorliff as more than just a friend? ... I have no more feelings for you now than I had then. ''Perhaps we could attend a symphony or something. ... woman in Chicago who could help make her dreams come true.
And she talks to him in the older sister, teasing, straightforward, loving way that is exactly what he needs. (It turns out that death is not the only thing that can be Bigger Than a Dream.) Much, much more than bibliotherapy, this is a ...
Patfacts 2: More Than A Dream is a collection of principles that will help you in building your dream. You'll learn what it takes to build your dream. From start to success, and everything in-between, this is your guide!
It is 1893 and the first generation of immigrants who came to America for the promise of free land and a good life for their children have finally achieved their dreams.