In Philosophy and the Christian Faith, Thomas V. Morris brings together prominent contemporary philosophers to examine a number of doctrines central to traditional Christian theology. The essays straddle a complete spectrum of topics such as original sin, salvation, the Trinity, and eschatological pragmatism, all to the end of launching new philosophical research into the foundational ideas of Christian faith. The perspectives peculiar to Christianity on human nature and the reality of God richly reward this philosophic investigation.
The implications of those stark assertions are , I realize , as disturbing as they are profound . They are in obvious disharmony with certain religious beliefs and , in hinting that we might have to re - evaluate our attitude towards ...
In the D. Emeis & K.H. Schmitt , Handbuch der Gemeindekatechese , northern German dioceses , the most commonly used 1986 • F.-P. Tebartz - van Elst , “ Gemeindliche Katechese , ” in : catechism was B.H. - Overberg's Katechismus der ...
Representing the culmination of years of exhaustive research, it is the purpose of these conclusive volumes to keep alive the growing interest in Wesleyan studies for the entire Christian church....
“ Scripture and the Theological Enterprise : View from a Big Canoe ' , in Robert K. Johnston ( ed . ) , The Use of the Bible in Theology : Evangelical Options ( Atlanta : John Knox Press ) , 56–77 . ' Biblical Corinth - Mediterranean ...
True Christianity presents a satisfying and sensible alternative to mainstream Christianity. The last book published by Swedish scientist-turned-seer Emanuel Swedenborg, it serves as both the keystone in the architecture of...
Available in English for the first time, What Is Theology? presents a clear compendium of the theology of one of this century's giants.From 1926 to 1936 Rudolf Bultmann offered an...
Where do we find the first flowerings of the cult of the Virgin Mary, which grew into such a great tree of many branches in Catholic and Orthodox Christianity throughout...
In this history of the development of monotheism, the author explains how Israel's religion evolved from a cult of Yahweh as a primary deity among many to a fully defined...
This book aims to clarify current thinking about the spirituality of terminally ill patients to ensure greater compassion and sensitivity in meeting their spiritual needs. Listening carefully to patients at...
The Revelatory Text: Interpreting the New Testament as Sacred Scripture