Do Christianity and modern liberal democracy share a common moral vision, or are they opposed and even hostile to each other? In Christian Faith and Modern Democracy, Robert Kraynak challenges the commonly accepted view that Christianity is inherently compatible with modern democratic society. Contrary to conventional wisdom, Kraynak argues that there is no necessary connection between Christianity and any form of government and that, in many important respects, Christianity is weakened by its close alliance with contemporary versions of democracy and human rights. Christian Faith and Modern Democracy was written, in part, to convince secular intellectuals that modern democracy needs God. But it was also written in response to the new consensus about politics that has emerged among Christian believers. Almost all churches and theologians now think that the form of government most compatible with Christianity is democracy and that the historic opposition of the Christian tradition to democracy and to various forms of liberalism was a mistake. What caused Christians to change their view of political authority and to embrace liberal democracy? Were they wise to change their view? This provocative book attempts to answer these questions by reexamining the relationship between democracy and Christianity through the lens of St. Augustine's distinction between the city of God and the earthly city, applied to the conditions of the modern age. Kraynak argues that St. Augustine's teaching provides the basis for a Christian theory of constitutional government and permits a variety of legitimate forms of government, including constitutional democracy. Yet, unlike contemporary Christian doctrines, it does so without embracing the subversive premises of liberalism that have threatened to turn the Christian faith into little more than a mirror image of the modern world. Sure to spark controversy among secular intellectuals and Christian believers alike, this insightful volume is an outstanding work of political philosophy with a firm foundation in theology.
"Christian Faith and Modern Democracy was written, in part, to convince secular intellectuals that modern democracy needs God.
Important study of the relationship between Christian theology and the development of democracy. In this important study John de Gruchy examines the historic and contemporary roles of Christianity in the development of democracy.
An insightful look at faith, reason, and the limits of modern liberty While it is common for today's secularists to push organized religion to the margins of politics, it...
The publishers have been very patient with me; I am grateful for the early encouragement of Nancy Marten and Claire L'Enfant, and for the courteous dealings of commissioning editor Heather McCallum and production editor Sarah Foulkes, ...
The book delineates the ways in which “faithful witness” and the forging of a common good – at local, national, and global levels – emerge through a dynamic of listening, judgment, and proclamation between Christians and those of ...
7 Whether the idea of ' undue spiritual influence as a legal notion is valid any longer is another question . ... Prayer and Faith in America : 2018-2019 Version ( Chesapeake , VA : Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation , 2018 ) .
This book explores the transformations in religion and its civic role in American democracy from John Locke to Barack Obama.
Combining conceptual and historical approaches, Carlo Invernizzi Accetti traces the development of this ideology in the thought and writings of some of its key intellectual and political exponents, from the mid-nineteenth century to the ...
This 2004 book argues that Christian faith belongs in politics because both pursue rational forms of thought.
Offering a sustained exposition - from Marsilius of Padua to Christian Democracy and Christian Socialism - of the often uneasy interaction between Christianity and democratic politics as both idea and ideal, this is a major contribution to ...