Robert Kraynak and Glenn Tinder contend that the major challenge of our time is to recover a true and authentic understanding of human dignity and to defend it against threats from modern civilization. In Defense of Human Dignity wrestles with the dilemma that contemporary society has developed a heightened sensitivity to the demands of human dignity while creating radically new dangers to humanity in the form of the totalitarian state, modern technology, genetic engineering, the practical ethics movement, and radical environmentalism.
Representing diverse viewpoints, the authors of this volume explore what is meant by "human dignity" and related notions, such as the "sanctity of life." The authors not only defend human dignity - drawing upon principles from Kantian ethics, theories of human rights, the Bible, and Christianity theology - they also examine the limitations and problems of misguided conceptions of human dignity.
The inspiration for this volume is the publication twenty years ago of the Covey Lectures by Glenn Tinder under the title Against Fate, in which Tinder argued that the sanctity of every individual is the central moral intuition of the Western tradition. Using Tinder's essay as a starting point, the contributors develop his themes in different directions, producing a stunning collection of essays that focus on the philosophical and religious basis of human dignity while showing the variety of ways it can be understood and defended today.
Osler's original note reads : “ Professor Wheeler in Proceedings of Amer . Phil . Soc . , vol . Ivii , No. 4 , 1918. " William Morton Wheeler ( 1865-1937 ) : American entomologist . 93. the honey - dew and the milk of paradise : The ...
Brennan , Ensuring Adequate Health Care for the Sick : The Challenge of the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome as an Occupational Disease , 1988 Duke L. J. 29 ( 1988 ) ( VI ) . Brennan , Transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus ...
MICHAEL S. GAZZANIGA David T. McLaughlin Distinguished Professor and Professor of Psychology , Dartmouth College , and Director , Center for Cognitive Neuroscience , Dartmouth College , Hanover , New Hampshire 03755 , USA JEFFREY J.
Law and Ethics for Health Occupations
Access Denied: A Report on Animal Experiments in Two British Laboratories, Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School, London, W6 and...
Key additions to the revised text include a glossary; updated facts, figures, tables, and statistics; new case studies; chapter discussion questions, including social-ethics questions; and social analysis.
Carey, Benedict. “Inside the Injured Brain, Many Kinds of Awareness.” New York Times (April 5, 2005). Available online. URL: www. Accessed January 2, 2008. Carey, Benedict and John Schwartz.
The definitive guide to the legal and ethical issues around medical and surgical practice. It is written with the busy clinician in mind who requires the key information presented without technical jargon in a handy quick-reference style.
This is an analysis of medical ethical concepts based on legal principles and court decisions, describing what actually happens in practice rather than what should happen and, where there are no precedents available, what is most likely to ...
Medical Ethics, Etiquette and Law