"What is civility, and why has it disappeared? Ann Hartle analyzes the origins of the modern project and the Essays of Michel de Montaigne to discuss why civility is failing in our own time. In this bold book, Ann Hartle, one of the most important interpreters of sixteenth-century French philosopher Michel de Montaigne, explores the modern notion of civility--the social bond that makes it possible for individuals to live in peace in the political and social structures of the Western world--and asks, why has it disappeared? Concerned with the deepening cultural divisions in our postmodern, post-Christian world, she traces their roots back to the Reformation and Montaigne's Essays. Montaigne's philosophical project of drawing on ancient philosophy and Christianity to create a new social bond to reform the mores of his culture is perhaps the first act of self-conscious civility. After tracing Montaigne's thought, Hartle returns to our modern society and argues that this framing of civility is a human, philosophical invention and that civility fails precisely because it is a human, philosophical invention. She concludes with a defense of the central importance of sacred tradition for civility and the need to protect and maintain that social bond by supporting nonpoliticized, nonideological, free institutions, including and especially universities and churches. What Happened to Civility is written for readers concerned about the deterioration of civility in our public life and the defense of freedom of religion. The book will also interest philosophers who seek a deeper understanding of modernity and its meaning, political scientists interested in the meaning of liberalism and the causes of its failure, and scholars working on Montaigne's Essays."--Publisher
Un mignon porcelet humanisé invite les tout-petits à découvrir les mots de politesse et les situations du quotidien dans lesquelles il convient de les utiliser au fil de cette série d'albums solidement cartonnés.
Un mignon porcelet humanisé invite les tout-petits à découvrir les mots de politesse et les situations du quotidien dans lesquelles il convient de les utiliser au fil de cette série d'albums solidement cartonnés.
Un mignon porcelet humanisé invite les tout-petits à découvrir les mots de politesse et les situations du quotidien dans lesquelles il convient de les utiliser au fil de cette série d'albums solidement cartonnés.
The 12 distinguished, successful people who have shared their views with the world in this book foster civility in the course of their daily interactions. They are leaders who set the bar high for us all."--Amazon.com
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69761 Written by Karen Romano Young Illustrated by Doug Cushman School & Library Edition This one Titles in the Best Behavior " Series PLEASE COME TO. SP CHILDRENS PRESS , CHICAGO And sometimes , riders get on without lining up at.
Réédition. Courte adaptation d'une aventure de Dora et de son singe Babouche à laquelle le lecteur est invité à participer en résolvant l'énigme proposée à l'héroïne du petit écran, en repérant des objets dans l'image et en ...
Réédition. Courte adaptation d'une aventure de Dora et de son singe Babouche à laquelle le lecteur est invité à participer en résolvant l'énigme proposée à l'héroïne du petit écran, en repérant des objets dans l'image et en ...
In M. Thomas Inge , ed . , Concise Histories of Popular Culture , 354-62 . Westport , CT : Greenwood . Wool , Robert . 1990. “ The New Tax Package : What Does It Mean to You and Me ? " New York Times , October 28 , F10 .