Gymnastics Safety Manual: The Official Manual of the United States Gymnastics Safety Association

Gymnastics Safety Manual: The Official Manual of the United States Gymnastics Safety Association
Sports & Recreation / Gymnastics
Pennsylvania State University Press
United States Gymnastics Safety Association


The aim of this manual is to raise the level of safety in those recreational and athletic activities generally described as gymnastics: tumbling and floor exercises; vaulting over gym horses; and skills performed on pommel horses, still rings, balance beams, horizontal bars, and even or uneven parallel bars. The value of gymnastics for physical education, sport, and health has been emphasized by the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, as its executive director states in his Foreword.

An important feature of the Second Edition is the inclusion of a chapter on "The Trampoline and Gymnastic Programs," by Jeff T. Hennessy. In addition, the chapters on "Medical and Legal Responsibility in the Gymnasium" have been revised to cover new developments, and the Bibliography has been updated. The trampoline chapter has been added because of the USGSA's recognition that the tramp and minitramp can be used safely in physical education and recreation programs, as well as in the training of gymnasts, provided specified procedures are followed. The author of this chapter, Professor Hennessy of the University of Southwestern Louisiana, has several well-known publications on trampolining.

This manual covers those factors that must be considered in a conscientious effort to assure a safe gymnastic environment, safely prepared gymnasts, and safe gymnastic supervision and instruction. It is directed to all persons engaged in, or preparing for, the teaching or supervision of gymnastics programs. Such programs may be in public or private schools, colleges, or universities; fraternal, social, or youth organizations; and private clubs or camps. The Gymnastics Safety Manual is recommended as invaluable background information.

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