Leaders in vocational education, according to this book, combine the fundamentals of their subject with elements of organization theory and concepts of leadership. These "blended" principles of successful vocational education are examined in Part I. The ten components of the vocational education delivery system are analyzed in Part II in the light of principles developed in Part I. Academic institutions, public and private, from secondary schools to universities, are considered, as are industrial training and governmental manpower programs. The unique aspects of each kind of organization are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, in terms of student enrollments, graduates' careers, faculties, curriculums, governance, financing, and relations with the community.
Four developments in vocational education receive special attention. First is the universal college concept, which delays the specialized portion of a student's vocational training until he or she has accepted a specific job. Second is the dual delivery system, which gives as much emphasis to adult and continuing education as to the preparation of neophyte workers (funding via such revenue sharing devices as those of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 are important here.) Third is the shift in governance from state and local to regional units (a harbinger of this trend is the prime sponsor concept embodied n the CETA of 1973). Fourth is the growth of post-secondary vocational education, largely via area vocational schools and community junior colleges. Part III examines where vocational education is, advocates what it could be, and predicts what it likely will be in 1980 and beyond.
Dr. Gilli's ideal model starts with the identification of "clusterable" personal goals among students; employs personalized teaching to identified occupational families and their characteristics; and utilizes skill centers to impart contracted-for skills from both academic and vocational subject matter. His forecast is guardedly optimistic; foreseeing neither a boom nor a bust in vocational education, he recommends substantial changes as a hedge against inflated criticism.
“我”因为飞机出了故障,被迫降落在远离人烟的撒哈拉沙漠上,这时一个迷人而神秘的小男孩出现了,他就是纯洁、忧郁的小王子。他爱提问题,对别人的问题却从不作答。在攀谈 ...
B:I'm sorry.I have my schedule full on Wednesday too.Is it ok to move the meeting to Friday this week?B:对不起,我星期三的日程也已排满了。你看能否把会议安排到这周五?C:I have only Friday afternoon free.Would that be fine with you?
學英文最快的方法《每天3行,寫小日記練出好英文》第二集回來了! 磨練好英文,就靠反覆成自然的「身體習慣」 行事曆&手帳改用英文寫 ...
The Cambridge Companion to Mark Twain . Cambridge : Cambridge UP , 1995 . Rose , Margaret . Parody : Ancient , Modern , and Post - Modern . Literature , Culture , Theory . Cambridge : Cambridge UP , 1993 . Rowe , John Carlos .
Madsen , H. , & Bowen , J. D. ( 1978 ) . Adaptation in language teaching . New York : Newbury House . Stevick , E. W. ( 1972 ) . Evaluating and adapting language materials . In H. B. Allen & R. N. Campbell ( Eds . ) , Teaching English ...
Reprinted by permission of Addison - Wesley Educational Publishers , Inc. 275 : From Mark B. Bush , Ecology ... 317 : Neal K. Ostler et al . , Health Effects of Hazardous Materials , p . 52. Upper Saddle River , NJ : Prentice - Hall ...
Yes, LH Group, but we have a mutual friend, Mr. Allen Schneider. : Please hold. (two seconds later) Ms. Chen, you are connected to Mr. Jones. Please speak. : Hello, Mr. Jones, good morning. This is Teresa Chen. : Hello, Ms. Chen.
She turned her tear - stained face and Mrs Brooks could see how she was suffering . ' And he's dying , he looks as if he's dying ! It will be my fault if he dies ! You have destroyed my life and his ! I can't bear it , I can't !
... 582 , 585 Satz , P. , 509 Saunders , B. T. , 198 Sawyer , J. , 610 Saykin , A. J. , 331 Scarr , S. , 539 Schafer ... A. , 479 Sternberg , L. , 550 Sternberg , R. J. , 248 , 297 , 319 , 557 , 559 , 623 Stevens , S. S. , 157 Stevenson ...