Art did not exist in Byzantium. Devotional objects - pectoral crosses, church mosaics, icons, and illuminated manuscripts - were regarded as infused with divine presence and used in religious practices. This book examines the means by which the relationship between the divine and the human was made manifest through crafted, material objects.
45 Sacred Shock: Framing Visual Experience in Byzantium (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004); Isar, “ΧΟΡÓΣ: Dancing into the Sacred Space of Chora: An Inquiry into the Choir of Dance from the Chora.
... G. , Sacred Shock : Framing Visual Experience in Byzantium ( University Park , 2004 ) ( = Peers , Sacred Shock ) Penna , D. , The Byzantine Imperial Acts to Venice , Pisa and Genoa , 10th - 12th Centuries : A Comparative Legal Study ...
Robert S. Nelson (Cambridge, UK, and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), 143–168; Glenn Peers, Sacred Shock: Framing Visual Experience in Byzantium (University Park: Pennsylvania State ...
For a detailed and inspired analysis of the persistence and transformation of native Mesoamerican pictorial traditions , see Donald Robertson's Mexican Manuscript Painting of the Early Colonial Period : The Metropolitan Schools ( New ...
WithSacred there is only artificial beauty : applications for skin , hair , breasts , lips , and eyes , all of which cause toxic shock . Developing your Sacred Beauty helps to create devotion to a divine , beautiful life .
... from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius by Penelope Davies (2004), Real Spaces: World Art History and the Rise of Western Modernism by David Summers (2003), and Sacred Shock: Framing Visual Experience in Byzantium by Glenn Peers (2004).
Pearson/Mullarkey 2002 Keith A. Pearson, John Mullarkey (eds.), Henri Bergson: Key Writings, London: Continuum, 2002. Peers 2004 Glenn Peers, Sacred Shock: Framing Visual Experience in Byzantium, University Park: The Pennsylvania State ...
(7) Finally, the explanation for the “sacred shock” comes: “So a miracle leaves // its frame, and one epiphanic detail / illuminates an entire epoch” (8). It is the mechanism of metaphor that produces the wonder, the capacity of the ...
Sacred Shock: Framing Visual Experience in Byzantium. University Park. Peers, Glenn. 2012. “Object Relations: Theorizing the Late Antique Viewer.” In The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity, edited by Scott F. Johnson, 270–293. New York.
Peers, 2004 i G. Peers, Sacred Shock: Framing Visual Experience in Byzantium, University Park, Pa. Peeters, 1951 i P Peeters, 'Observations sur la vie syriaque de Mar Aba, catholicos de l'église perse (5404552): in Recherches d'histoire ...