44.5 mm water jet pipes Jetting nozzles oninner face of cant plates 15.78 x 8.87m overall cutting edge Fig . 6.18 Air / water jetting arrangements for New Hawkesbury Bridge river caissons ( after Fewtrel16.16 ) . the caisson is sunk to ...
This book is more targeted towards the understanding of the basic behavior and the actual construction of many geotechnical works, and this book is not dedicated to any design code or specification, though Euro codes and Hong Kong code are ...
Presents updated design procedures in light of revised codes and standards, covering: American Concrete Institute (ACI) codes Eurocode 7 Other British Standard-based codes including Indian codes Provides background materials for easy ...
The "Red Book" presents a background to conventional foundation analysis and design.
7.4.3 Frost There have been extensive studies on the detrimental effects of frost ( Casagrande , 1932 ; Kaplar , 1970 ; Yong and Warkentin , 1975 ; and Reed et al . , 1979 ) . Two common types of damage related to frost are ( 1 ) ...
This international piling handbook details current types of pile, piling equipment, and methods.
Residual soils are found in many parts of the world. Like other soils, they are used extensively in construction, being built upon and used as construction materials. Residual soils are...
This international handbook is essential for geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists responsible for designing and constructing piled foundations.
This book takes you step by step through the typical process of a design project--from the initial writing of a proposal for engineering services to the final preparation of the "as built" report upon completion of the project.
On the engineering side, the book introduces construction and testing methods used in current practice. Throughout it emphasizes the connection between theory and practice.
Residential Foundations: Design, Behavior, and Repair