This supplement to the eighth edition brings the main work up-to-date with the latest developments.
Both practitioners and academics will find the clarity and ease of access useful to the comparative legal analysis in this book.
Sale of goods transactions are central to commercial life. This book provides an essential up-to-date and clear account of the law as it stands today, giving you the confidence to offer the best possible resolution for your clients.
The purpose of this book is to give a clear, accurate and reasonably simple account of the law relating to the sale of goods.
The fourth edition of this established authority is the most systematic study available of the law of sale of goods with reference to UK and Commonwealth authorities and relevant UK and EU legislation.
This work provides a much-needed detailed treatment of the international sale of commodities. It focuses on all the key issues in international commodity sales, including the contractual construction of FOB...
Law of Sale of Goods
The book deals with issues of frustration and force majeure, the passing of property and risk, and remedies.
The new edition of 'The Sale of Goods' gives a full and detailed account of the English law of the sale of goods.
Its enduring role as the definitive guide to the law surrounding the sale of goods cements its position as the market leading text for undergraduate and postgraduate students alike.