(WCS)Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 9th Edition for Boston University
Staffing is one of the biggest issues facing companies moving into the global market today. This book provides a multi-disciplinary, integrated and critical discussion-based analysis of current and emerging issues in global staffing.
The issues addressed in this book are internationally relevant, and are of fundamental concern to both students and practitioners involved in the management of construction projects.
Foundations of Human Resource Development: Easyread Comfort Edition
Public sector banks should report fraud cases involving amount of R 1 crore and above to CBI and those below & 1.00 ... they should take while dealing with cards and PINs and electronic communication representing messages from a Bank.
Equally, the practising manager will find this book a useful and practical guide.
A comprehensive resource, Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Second Edition: Discusses strategic human management and information technology Presents the legal environment of equal employment opportunity ...
Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice is the bestselling and definitive resource for HRM students and professionals, which helps readers to understand and implement HR in relation to the needs of the business.
Blyton, P and Turnbull, P (eds) (1992) Reassessing Human Resource Management, Sage, London Boselie, P, Dietz, G and Boon, ... D E and King, Z (2004) Power, innovation and problem-solving: the personnel managers' three steps to heaven?
While this book provides an essential call-to-action for congress and policy makers, it also serves as a vital tool for law enforcement agencies, criminal prosecutors and attorneys, and forensic science educators.