Adapted from: Medical-surgical nursing: critical thinking in client care / [edited by] Priscilla LeMone, Karen Burke. 4th ed. c2008.
Provides a comprehensive, contemporary and consistent systems-based approach that engages students and provides the practical knowledge and skills they need to care for adult patients with a focus on person-centred, holistic nursing care.
With its understandable language, visual approach, and consistent teaching and learning format, it's no surprise that readers overwhelmingly report that they truly like reading this text.
Content of the book is streamlined but thorough, allowing the student's focus to remain on the need-to-know information and essential skills. Course completion with this text will be just the beginning of success.
7E-4, 0-13-099075-2, LeMone, RN, DSN, FAAN, Priscilla, Burke, RN, MS, Karen M., Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care, 3/E* Readers will love this book's organization and clear presentation of patient care, with its ...
Smoking-related behaviour and attitudes surveyed by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) were described in the Opinions Survey Report No. 40: Smoking-related Behaviour and Attitudes 2008/09 (Office for National Statistics 2009 ).
Throughout the text, the authors make every effort to communicate that both nurses and patients may be male or female; and that patients require holistic, individualized care regardless of their age; gender; or racial, cultural, or ...
This text provides practical ideas for nurses working in critical care and defence nursing, and acute areas in resource limited environments.
Throughout the text, the authors make every effort to communicate that both nurses and patients may be male or fema≤ and that patients require holistic, individualized care regardless of their a≥ gender; or racial, cultural, or ...
Students and instructors alike love this text's organization and clear presentation of patient care, with its consistent format and multiple methodologies for student learners-narrative text, boxes, tables, graphics, photographs.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.